It's now thw 28th of May, in a hot and humid Manila, Philippines. It's even hotter at the Batasang Pambansa where they are canvassing the votes from the last Presidential elections. I guess it can be called an "electile dysfunction". Too much cheating and really, the current President intends to stay on to power and get her "mandate" so that she can rule this country.And pass it on to her son and to her grandson and so on and so forth. get the picture??
Too bad. Her only option is to WIN and win at all costs!! Hehehehe. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!
All the other four candidates - Lacson, Roco, Villanueva and FPJ, can lose if need be. But Gloria, her only option is to win. If not, which they would rather not think about , she can get so many lawsuits that could range from Usurpation of Authority to Plunder and anything in between. Her----and her followers in crime, the whole SC and the Police and the MIlitary---will be open game to the next Administration. I guess Karma still operates here.
Oh, well, her goody-two-shoes and sweet as angels image will have to take a backseat, if she finds out that she will lose....the opposition will not let the cheating pass. Too bad we are bankrupt.
Hay naku..kakainis dito!!!!!!!!!